Lynneth Solis is the Research Director on the Pedagogy of Play project and the Envisioning Innovation in Education project at Project Zero. Her research investigates the cognitive and social processes by which young children learn about how the world around them works. She is interested in the role of sociocultural and pedagogical factors that support young children’s learning in both formal and informal settings. Her work asks: What are the behaviors, spaces, and opportunities children engage in to develop their understandings of the world? and What is the role of adults, culture, and pedagogy in shaping children's learning experiences? In particular, she investigates 1) young children’s exploration of scientific phenomena through object play and 2) the unique play experiences of children growing up in cross-cultural settings. She holds an Ed.D. in Human Development and Education and an Ed.M. in Mind, Brain, and Education from Harvard University. As a doctoral student, Lynneth was a central member of the Causal Cognition in a Complex World lab led by Dr. Tina Grotzer and continues to collaborate with the team on papers and other projects.