The World in DC
Toward a new approach to locally-grounded global competence education
The world in DC [WinDC] is a collaboration between the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) and Project Zero. The project seeks to advance an innovative approach to nurturing global competence among K-12 educators and students as a means to prepare them for life, work, college and citizenship in a globally interdependent world. This initiative takes the local cultural capital of the city–i.e., its ethnic diversity, cultural life, neighborhoods identity, cultural institutions, NGOs and international presence–as a point of departure. It does so in order to nurture a form of global competence that opens students’ minds and engagement with the world while also deepening their local belonging as they explore manifestations of the world in their city, Washington DC.
With a focus on three Global Studies Schools selected as DCPS-PZ sites for global education innovation, we work closely with DCPS and its Division of Global Education to: (a) develop capacity among a cadre of educators preparing them to lead quality global competence education efforts over time; (b) develop a series of practical approaches and tools that teachers can use to inform their teaching; (c) develop, test, and disseminate a new approach to educating for global competence that is grounded in our city and open to the world; and (d) establish a robust and long-lasting network of schools, higher education and cultural institutions able to collaborate effectively in the advancement of global competence education among teachers and students.
Our coordinating team includes Kate Ireland, Julian Hipkins, Marci Jones, Melvina Jones, Jim Reese and Vaija Wagle. We work with the Professional Development Collaborative at the Washington International School.
Project Info
DC Public Education Fund & DC Public Schools