Event Details

Event Summary

For almost fifty years, researchers at Harvard’s Project Zero (PZ) have led investigations on many critical topics in education.  We have and continue to explore the nature of intelligence, arts in education, understanding, thinking, creativity, ethics, cross-disciplinary thinking and cross-cultural thinking.  During the past decade, PZ has had a prominent presence in a number of Australian schools with researchers from Harvard working alongside local teachers to cultivate student thinking and learning.  While the conference will highlight some of these ongoing projects, the primary focus of our Sydney conference will build on core PZ educational frameworks and concepts.  Together we will explore the opportunities and challenges facing educators in the digital age.
Conference attendees will participate in both large and small group sessions, each addressing questions critical to educating learners today.  Conference sessions will address key questions PZ researchers have been exploring:
  • How do we educate for the unknown?
  • With an abundance of knowledge now available to students at their fingertips via the internet, how do we shift teaching practices from a model of knowledge transmission to one of developing certain dispositions that transcend subject areas and other boundaries?
  • What can we learn from effective practices in a variety of contexts and apply them to our own?
  • In our fast-paced world, how do we slow the learning down and focus on depth, not breadth?
Harvard’s Project Zero organizes this conference in collaboration with the Center for the Advancement and Study of International Education (CASIE) and invites educators from all contexts to learn from and alongside PZ researchers and practitioners.  For more information about the work of Project Zero researchers as well as information about the conference program, the Harvard faculty, the Australian-based speakers, and a link to register, please click here.  For a flyer about the conference, please see the links in the sidebar to the right.
We hope to see you and look forward to a great learning experience in Sydney in March.

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