Art Works for Schools
PUBLISHED:AUTHORS: Tina Grotzer, Laura Howick, Shari Tishman, Debra Wise
Resource Summary
Educators are busy people. Perhaps you don't have time to read the Introduction to Art Works for Schools right now, but you'd like to know if the program is for you. Here are some facts at a a glance:
- Art Works for Schools teaches high-level thinking in and through the arts, focusing mainly on visual art and theater.
- The program is primarily about responding to art rather than making art.
- It is written mainly for classroom teachers who are not art specialists, but it is easily adaptable for art and theater specialists as well as museum and theater educators.
- It is written for grades 3-8, but it is easily adaptable for younger and older students.
- The curriculum consists of four modules. At the rate of one 45-minute lesson per week, a typical module takes about two months to teach, and the entire curriculum takes about one year.
- The modules focus on four forms of high-level thinking that are central to thinking in art, and also central to other subjects:
- reasoning
- persepctive taking
- problem finding
- metaphore making
- The program emphasizes transfer across the curriculum by providing lessons in each module that make a connection between thinking in art and thinking in other subjects.
- Art Works for Schools can be used without prior training.
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