Home for Dinner: Mixing Food, Fun, and Conversation for a Happier Family & Healthier Kids
PUBLISHED:AUTHORS: Anne K. Fishel, Michael Thompson
Resource Summary
Kids need more than food. They’re starving for family dinners. Sports, activities, long hours, and commutes—with so much to do, dinner has been bumped to the back burner. But research shows that family dinners offer more than just nutrition. Studies have tied shared meals to increased resiliency and self-esteem in children, higher academic achievement, a healthier relationship to food, and even reduced risk of substance abuse and eating disorders. Written by a Harvard Medical School professor and mother, Home for Dinner makes a passionate and informed plea to put mealtime back at the center of family life and supplies compelling evidence and realistic tips for getting even the busiest of families back to the table. Chock full of stories, new research, recipes, and friendly advice, the book explains how to:
Whip up quick, healthy, and tasty dinners
Get kids to lend a hand (without any grief)
Adapt meals to the needs of everyone—from toddlers to teens
Inspire picky eaters to explore new foods
Keep dinnertime conversation stimulating
Add an element of fun
Reduce tension at the table
Explore other cultures and spark curiosity about the world
And more Mealtime is a place to unwind and reconnect, far from the pressures of school and work. As the author notes, family therapy can be helpful, but regular dinner is transformative.