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An introduction to using tools and practices to explore the complex collisions of design, representation, power and participation in your classroom

Design is everywhere: bus stops, park benches, unit plans, carefully crafted emails, bathroom mirrors, the shoes on our feet. Injustices are often woven into the fabric of everyday systems and objects. In what ways? How might we make visible these designed injustices? In the JusticexDesign (JxD) project, educators across Washington, DC, are exploring critical applications of Agency by Design’s framework for maker-centered learning, looking closely at the intersections of maker-centered learning and what JxD has come to call justice-directional pedagogy. The JxD project has developed a set of principles and practices that encourage learners to: (1) look closely at context, history, legacy, and representation when interacting with systems and content, (2) explore the complexity and multidimensionality of forces of power that shape and influence everyday systems, and (3) find opportunities to redesign their own participation in justice-directional and pattern-disruptive ways.

Join other educators (pre-K through 12) for a two-day intensive to explore the JxD framework, tools and practices. JusticexDesign director and Project Zero researcher Sarah Sheya will introduce the JxD framework, offer examples of teacher practice, and share resources to explore this work further. Educators participating in the JusticexDesign project will lead learning group sessions for participants to process and share learning and insights across the two days. During this intensive, you will:

  • Attend interactive workshops that offer opportunities to try out JusticexDesign tools and practices,
  • Participate in learning group sessions across the two days that will be led by practitioners experienced in JusticexDesign, giving conference participants opportunities to process and share learning and insights as they prepare to bring the work into their own contexts,
  • Consider applications of the JusticexDesign framework in your own context and formulate some concrete ideas for how you might incorporate the framework.

After this intensive, you will be able to:

  • Begin applying some ideas from the JusticexDesign framework in your classrooms or other learning contexts
  • Try out some of the JusticexDesign tools with your students and/or teachers
  • Imagine more ways you might develop justice-directional learning experiences