(Re)Designing Unjust Systems: (Re)Imagining Voice, Power, and Participation
COST: $139
Injustices are by design. Supporting young people to recognize inequities in everyday design is a step toward reimagining a more just world. Launched with educators across Washington, D.C., and with support from the Washington International School, the JusticexDesign (JxD) initiative investigates how Project Zero and Agency by Design frameworks might encourage young people to engage critically with the design of their worlds, while paying particular attention to systems of power and access. Implicit biases and systemic oppressions are built into human-made systems like media, architecture, government, transportation, and time. These systems—by design—empower and amplify, oppress and silence. Using JxD protocols, participants in this two-session workshop will carefully consider the roles of power, representation, and participation in the design of everyday systems. Participants will have the opportunity to redesign—or reimagine—oppressive systems as well as consider connections between workshop content and their own teaching contexts. The workshop is designed for educators working with all ages of learners and will provide classroom resources to do this work with students.