Project Zero Perspectives: Making, Innovating, Learning
In May 2017, join educators from around the world for the Project Zero Perspectives conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With the theme Making-Innovating-Learning we will explore the attributes of effective learning environments, with a special focus on creativity, the arts, and the maker movement.
The two-day conference will offer both large and small group settings in which to explore pedagogical tools, strategies, and frameworks developed at Project Zero, each addressing one or more of the following strands:
- Encouraging Creativity and “Maker Thinking” in Children: What can we learn from the practices of educators in the arts and in the maker movement? How might we encourage creativity, play, and DIY habits of mind that are relevant to all disciplines?
- Making Learning and Thinking Visible: How can visible representations of thinking be used as a force for student learning? How do we document and assess student and teacher learning in order to further our own learning? How do we help learners develop dispositions that support thoughtful learning across school subjects?
- Teaching for Understanding: What is important to learn today that will prepare us for an unknown future? How do we focus instruction on deep understanding of the topics we teach? What is understanding, and how does it develop?